Four Out of Five Names Provide Direct Insight Into Profession

KINGDOM OF WYRMICHOR — According to sages at the Tower of the Truth’s Light, 84% of all names have some kind of common link with the person’s chosen profession. “The findings apply to the entirety of the kingdom, across all trades and skillsets,” noted Brother Quill, head scribe at the Tower. “There are the obvious examples such as noted heroes Antonio Swiftblade the swashbuckler, illusionist Jessika Shimmer, and Father Balm the cleric. But we also found hundreds of examples across the realm in domains great and mundane, ranging from King Noblis to night-watch captain Bree Hawke to humble bartender Tipper Grogg.”

Fellow researcher Sister Authora agrees. “Even seemingly mundane names had a direct correlation to their jobs; 61% of people with the name ‘Smith’ had an anvil in their close proximity. And reading the graduating class of the College of Fire Magick is like looking at a thesaurus entry for ‘arson.’ Curiously, in almost all cases, these people had their names before they entered their chosen profession. ‘Tis quite odd.”

There were some variations, especially among non-human races, noted Authora. “Regardless of profession, most dwarves seemed to have ‘beard’ or ‘cave’ in their names. And elven names tend toward near-unreadable mashes of consonants and nature concepts — like Wyndfyll and Gwynwatre — whether the elf in question was an archer, a magician, or an archer-magician.”

However, Truth’s Light sages were eager to note that a name doesn’t necessarily equal destiny, and others were quick to agree. “We must always strive to judge people on their proven actions rather than rush to judge them on superficial nonsense,” said Lyre Blacktongue, trusted vizier to King Noblis.